A downloadable game for Windows

              Our protagonist Pharro, once a mighty dragon, has now been cursed with the curse of greed, and turned into a ferret with wings by a trickster racoon wizard. Traverse your now shattered reality as you track down this racoon and reclaim your true dragon form.       

             For the level design, we have made concepts of each of our three levels and how the player will progress through those levels. Our first level will be the dragon’s lair, which has massive piles of treasure surrounding the player. This will be the first stage of our game where the player will learn the basic mechanics, solve some puzzles, and be introduced to the antagonist. Some of the enemies you will encounter will include, monsters made out of gold, and armored hamsters made from the treasure of the dragon. 

         The dragon's lair is near completions as well, enemies and basic movement mechanic puzzles are also in the game. Lighting and detailing are still being added as the final touches to this level.

             Our next level will be a floating island with a cavern that the player must get through to chase after the antagonist. This island will have multiple water streams coming from different directions that the player will have to navigate and change to get to the next portal. We have decided that portals will teleport the player to the next stage of the game. Our final boss level will make the player chase the antagonist into his magic castle. In the antagonist's castle, you will be faced with anti gravity puzzles and more of the shadow monsters. 

             Our water levels mechanics are playable and the hamster enemies are also in the game. For this level we are currently working on adding more puzzles and lighting to some of the islands. The enemies have had a couple of updates including kickback and fighting delay.  Both Main Menu and Pause Menu are working with the custom UI made for them. 

               The final castle level is being added right next to the waterfall level and is near being added as the hardest final level for our game.  We will include lava extra caves and puzzles as well as the final racoon boss.

              Our models are done and becoming finalized as well as implementing them into the game.  The animations for each character are underway and should be playable in the game extremely soon. The basic movement animations are complete and are currently being implemented into the game.

               We have finialized an audio team for our game whom is currently working on gathering and making the audio for our game. They have made a lot of progress and should be ready to implement into the game very soon.

             Our priority over the next couple of weeks is to add more puzzles, audio, and finishing touches to our models. The rest of our project is nearing completion on most other aspects of our game.


Pharo's Tale.zip 702 MB